No, there weren’t time travelers that gave them modern M-16 rifles… Another revolutionary development that is now a staple of modern combat was the a night-fighting system designed for the MP-44. Nicknamed the Vampir, the cumbersome infrared targeting scope would allow the soldier to extend his combat operations to any hour of the day. The…
Read MoreBullet resistant body armor is one of the greatest modern marvels. It has saved thousands of lives and protected people from serious injuries. And while it is part of the standard work equipment for law enforcement officers, military operatives and security personnel, gun enthusiasts are also discovering its many benefits. Gun enthusiasts are well aware…
Read MoreHave you ever wanted to learn how to zero a scope without firing? It doesn’t matter whether you have a cheap crossbow or not. The important thing is that you will know how to properly adjust the riffle, sight and mount your rifle so that you will get the accurate shot. Getting the accurate shot…
Read MoreRECALL NOTICE HEXMAG, INC .308/SR-25 10 ROUND MAGAZINES SOLD BY SENTRY PRODUCTS GROUP PRODUCT SAFETY WARNING AND RECALL NOTICE Consumer safety is our first priority. Please contact us immediately to facilitate the replacement of your .308/SR-25 10 Round Magazines at our factory at no charge to our customers. Recalled Risers will not be returned. DO…
Read More“Nothing is more empowering than a woman knowing how to keep herself and her loved ones safeâ€. Every day there are innumerable social media posts from women who are employing their second amendment rights at the gun range, which is prodigious! Today women are the fastest growing demographic amongst gun owners over the nation. It…
Read MoreFrom the fundraiser: I am a father, a husband, and a Navy veteran. In 2013 I took part in an effort to help women living in high crime areas gain the means and training to defend themselves. It was called the Armed Citizen Project and was formed by Kyle Coplen. Based on mountains of research…
Read MoreIn the wake of recent mass shootings in Las Vegas, Florida and elsewhere disturbing news reports have emerged that some banks and credit card companies are exploring ways to enact gun control from the private sector by developing ways to flag, and possibly restrict, gun purchases. By “coding†purchases made, as these companies already do…
Read MoreContinuing with the focus on their AR10 / SR25 line of products, V Seven Weapon Systems has introduced the new Harbinger 11.5†.308 SBR and Harbinger 11.5†.308 Complete Uppers. The new Harbinger 11.5†.308 SBR is available in two different configurations. Option #1 features the 11.5†.308 lightweight contour fluted barrel under a 10.75 
Read MoreHere are a few things that people never truly learn. All of these could be said about all of us; these are skills you never master. But some of us never put in nearly enough time for any learning to occur. The majority of people never learn how to press the trigger. Triggers are all…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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