I almost wanted to think that this was a joke, but I really believe that it is a true product. All that I can think of is the bibs that my kids wore when they were babies…
Read MoreMany people think that spotting scope and telescope are the same things. Though both are used to view distant objects, they are quite different in terms of functionality. Unlike telescope, spotting scopes are used for seeing things on land, and not something outside earth. Spotting scope has fewer features than that of telescopes. So, the…
Read MoreAt the risk of reducing my own chances to win, https://www.weapon-blog.com/contests/ has been updated with all the gun and gear related contests that I am aware of for the month. Go forth and win… As always, feel free to share wherever you can. If you are aware of any that are not on the list,…
Read MoreThere’s no denying that this is an extremely dangerous world we currently live in and, at least in the United States, that’s reason enough for carrying a concealed weapon to protect you and your family. Fortunately in the state of Texas, laws are on the books that allow for, and regulate the carrying of, concealed…
Read MoreUltradyne, an American designer and manufacturer of advanced shooting accessories, has officially released its Apollo Max muzzle brake specifically tuned for 6.5mm Creedmoor and compatible with 6.5 PRC and 6mm Creedmoor. Utilizing advanced imaging and precision instrumentation, Ultradyne’s team has engineered a device that represents the ultimate in recoil reduction. Internal testing has shown as…
Read MoreSometimes it is the most simple of advice about hunting that turns out to have the most sage. This simple commentary came from a hunter’s grandfather when the campfire question arose about how these trophy buck hunters always seem to score nearly every season. His answer was a remarkably easy answer. Just “go regular.†Really…
Read MoreIt may be a little on the longer side, it may have charts and graphs. But you need to go read this article by Jacob over at Concealed Carry. Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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