You would have been 8 years old today son.
Read MorePolymer80, a Nevada-based firearms company, was raided by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE or ATF) yesterday. This is an organized move to eliminate what many call “Ghost Guns.” Is this the first of many moves to erode our 2nd Amendment rights or simply poor execution by Polymer80? Polymer80 produces build kits…
Read MoreFreedom Munitions recently became aware the personal information of our valued online customers may have been compromised as a result of unauthorized access through an e-commerce vendor. We are taking this seriously, and want to provide you with information about this incident that may affect you, as well as suggestions on actions you can take…
Read MoreSaw some comments regarding TX HB196 that are cause for concern. In Texas, State Representative Terry Meza (D-Irving) has introduced HB196. Her bill would repeal the state’s “castle doctrine.” This doctrine allows a homeowner to use deadly force against an armed intruder who breaks into his home. Now listen to what she has to say……
Read MoreAt the risk of reducing my own chances to win, has been updated with all the gun and gear related contests that I am aware of for the month. Go forth and win… As always, feel free to share wherever you can. If you are aware of any that are not on the list,…
Read MoreSIG SAUER, Inc. is pleased to introduce the MOD-X9 Pistol Suppressor. The MOD-X9 is the first release of SIG SAUER’s modular line of pistol suppressors made of titanium baffles for the ultimate in lightweight strength and performance that allows the user to personalize their suppressor for overall length, weight, and sound. The SIG SAUER MOD-X9…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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