Hard Drive Failure

By Aaron Spuler | March 22, 2010 |

This is a laptop hard drive, measuring 2.5″ wide by 4″ long. Distance from shooter to target was 7 yards. EDIT: Gun of choice was a Smith & Wesson Sigma 9mm, firing 115 grain FMJ rounds.

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Liberty and Safety

By Aaron Spuler | March 21, 2010 | Comments Off on Liberty and Safety

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin Historical Review of Pennsylvania November 11, 1759

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New bullet type?

By Aaron Spuler | March 19, 2010 |

Saw this post in today’s Shooting Wire and thought it was worth listing here.  This is some really interesting stuff, and may even revolutionize ammunition. Be sure to subscribe to the Shooting Wire (delivered Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) to get more great information like this.  If you’re interested, the same outfit also puts out the…

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5 Rules of Concealed Carry

By Aaron Spuler | March 19, 2010 | Comments Off on 5 Rules of Concealed Carry

I’ve seen the rules for firearm safety all over the place, but I’d never seen a list of rules concerning concealed carry.  I’m not sure if this is something Xavier found somewhere, or something that he came up with himself.  Either way, it’s good information and worth a look for anyone who carries concealed.  There…

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Guns & American Handgunner

By Aaron Spuler | March 18, 2010 | Comments Off on Guns & American Handgunner

The good follks at FMG Publications are kind enough to offer digital editions of the magazines GUNS and American Handgunner for free.  If you subscribe to the digital edition, you’ll get an email when the new editions come out. http://fmgpublications.ipaperus.com/FMGPublications/GUNS/GUNS0510/ http://fmgpublications.ipaperus.com/FMGPublications/AmericanHandgunner/AHMJ10/

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Shotguns for the IRS

By Aaron Spuler | March 18, 2010 | Comments Off on Shotguns for the IRS

So back in February the IRS began soliciting quotes for shotguns, and then this week the IRS raided a Sacramento, CA car wash for $0.04.    Now we’re finding out that nearly 100,000 civilian federal employees owe the IRS $962 million in back taxes. Wait… what?  So a car wash gets raided for failing to pay…

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Army Study Guides

By Aaron Spuler | March 18, 2010 | Comments Off on Army Study Guides

http://www.armystudyguide.com/content/army_board_study_guide_topics/index.shtml Lots of good information there, even for those of us that are not soldiers.  The M16 and M4 sections might be worth a look if you’re in to AR-15 rifles.

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Complimentary Magazine

By Aaron Spuler | March 18, 2010 | Comments Off on Complimentary Magazine

Interested in a complimentary issue of Handloader Magazine, Rifle Magazine, or Successful Hunter?  Wolfe Publishing allows non-subscribers to get a sample issue of any (or all) of the three magazines for free. http://www.riflemagazine.com/magazine/hardcopy.cfm

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Zombie Targets

By Aaron Spuler | March 18, 2010 | Comments Off on Zombie Targets

Mike over at http://www.oneinchgroup.com/ beat me to it, even though I already had this post saved as a draft last night to publish in the morning. Good to see that great minds think alike though… http://www.zombietargets.net A nice twist on the standard silhouette or bad guy targets.  I’ll be ordering some of these soon for…

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Gun Show Guide

By Aaron Spuler | March 18, 2010 | Comments Off on Gun Show Guide

Click on your state to view a comprehensive listing of gun shows for the next few months… http://www.gunshows-usa.com/

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2023 Texas Gun Legislation

Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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