Do you constantly have malfunctions when you’re shooting your rifles at the range? Are you worried about the reliability of your weapons if you’re ever in a situation where you need it? Whether you have an AR-15, an AK-47, or both, keeping them running smoothly is a major concern for most rifle owners. To do…
Read MoreWith efficiency and ease of long-range hunting being all the rage, it seems hunters are seldomly branching out to try new hunting methods. One new sporting method picking up steam and attracting more hunters each year is handgun hunting. Whether it’s the thrill of trying something new or a better chance of landing a hard…
Read MoreThe FBI and the firearms industry reported Tuesday that sales and gun background checks smashed through past records as people grew increasingly worried that the new Biden administration will impose gun controls. When adjusted just for gun sale background checks, the National Shooting Sports Foundation said that the increase over January 2020 was 75.2%. While…
Read MoreIt is no secret that safety should be your number 1 concern when it comes to owning guns, especially if you live with kids. When handled correctly and intelligently, guns can be as safe as any other item. But, one moment of absentmindedness can have catastrophic consequences. So, let’s take a closer look at how…
Read MoreThe practice of carrying a concealed firearm doesn’t end with taking a course and becoming certified. Whether you’re new to conceal carrying or new to guns in general, here are five simple tips to set you up for success. Know the law The second amendment isn’t the end-all be-all for bearing arms. Before you even…
Read MoreWith over approximately 5 million new gun owners in 2020 alone, those uninitiated into gun owning ranks may be curious as to know why. Obviously, the reasons are many and without going into great detail (I’ll let you ponder a few of those out yourself), part of the draw are the many benefits shooting sports…
Read MoreThe guys over at Gun Free Zone have detailed out this nightmare of a bill. I’m not even going to try to include snippets of the relevant parts because I feel so strongly that you head over to and read it all for yourselves.
Read MoreWhether you’re used to firing handguns and want to make the transition or haven’t fired a gun before, long-distance shooting requires different skills and tools. However, if you want to learn some basics on your way to becoming a crackshot you’re in the right place. Choose Carefully It can be tempting to go after the…
Read MoreAirlines in the U.S. temporarily banning some passengers from flying with their locked guns in luggage bays – with little to no advanced notice – is forcing them to cancel trips and spend hundreds of dollars on backup plans, while arguing that their Second Amendment rights are being trampled. Alaska, American, Delta, Southwest and United…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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