Guy tries to rob a gas station… with a caulk gun. But it sounds like the perp has bigger problems than just that bit of idiocy.
Read MoreThis kind of talk really creeps me out…
Read MoreChristan Morales says her son just wanted to honor American troops when he made a hat decorated with an American flag and small plastic Army figures. But the hat ran afoul of the district’s no-weapons policy because the toy soldiers were carrying tiny weapons. “His teacher called and said it wasn’t appropriate because it had…
Read MoreBest of video compilations courtesy of I’m not ashamed to say that I did get a little emotional watching this. Waterworks weren’t flowing but damn it does give you an appreciation for the sacrifices not only the men and women in uniform make, but their families as well. I’ve got a buddy that’s been…
Read MoreThe good follks at FMG Publications are kind enough to offer digital editions of Guns for free. Subscribe to the digital edition and you’ll get an email when the new editions come out. Read the August edition here:
Read MoreA man blamed for hotel gunplay that left his best friend dead apologized for the shooting before he was sentenced to 12 years in prison. On Monday, a San Antonio judge accepted the plea agreement for Justin Cardenas, who pleaded guilty to manslaughter. The case involved the July 24, 2008 death of Justin Halsell, who…
Read MoreKenny demonstrates that the .22LR is more capable of damage than you might think.
Read MoreDon’t forget to enter the Top Shot inspired contest.
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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