The Supreme Court ruled for the first time Monday that the Second Amendment provides all Americans a fundamental right to bear arms, a long-sought victory for gun rights advocates who have chafed at federal, state and local efforts to restrict gun ownership. The court was considering a restrictive handgun law in Chicago and one of…
Read MoreReminder — all entries for the Top Shot inspired contest must be in by 11:59PM (Central) June 30. Any entries received after that deadline will not be entered in to the contest. Winner to be announced July 12.
Read MoreMake sure it’s done safely, and make it an enjoyable experience. Do that, and you may well encourage a lifelong passion in the shooting sports for your child.
Read MoreDemocrat County Supervisor Peggy West of Milwaukee advocates for the City of Milwaukee to boycott Arizona over SB1070. One big problem with your argument, Peggy… Arizona does share a border with Mexico, as does Texas, New Mexico, and California. Like most of those that oppose AZ SB1070, it wouldn’t surprise me if she hadn’t even…
Read MoreA solitary Marine holds vigil at full attention for three hours during the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in tribute to fallen comrades. Ooh-rah! The Marine is SSgt Tim Chambers. He has saluted at Rolling Thunder for 8 years — he does this on his own accord and his own dime. He is currently stationed at…
Read MoreI’ve been bitten by the Beretta 92FS bug… To minimize the risk of receiving the wrath from my wife, I’m putting my S&W Sigma 9mm up for sale to help finance the 92FS. The gun is in like new condition, just under two years old (purchase date was July 13, 2008). All original packaging, documentation…
Read MoreM.D. Creekmore at The Survivalist Blog – a survival blog dedicated to helping others prepare for and survive disaster – with articles on bug out bag contents, survival knife choices and a wealth of other survival information is giving away a 1,000 round case of 9mm – 124 Grain FMJ (a $200 value – donated…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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