A good lesson on why it’s best to keep your gun holstered. I carry my gun in a pocket, but it is always holstered.A Snohomish accidentally shot himself in his left buttock Saturday when he put a handgun in his back pocket. Darrel Elam, 52, was preparing to go hiking on Blewett Pass and had…
Read MoreA Georgia man has won the right to fly the American flag outside his home after getting sued for failing to remove the 16-foot flagpole from his front lawn. What is wrong with people where someone has to go secure the right to fly the flag? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/08/27/georgia-man-wins-right-flying-american-flag-home
Read MoreBulk Ammo is a new online ammo site that specializes in bulk ammunition for serious shooters. In celebration of their grand opening, use promo code GrandOpening and save $25 on an order of $200 or more. What you see online is what they have in stock, and boy howdy have they got a lot in…
Read MoreAndrew over at the Vuurwapen Blog has a really well-written post that aims to dispel some of the myths about the gas impingement system used in the AR-15 platform. http://vuurwapenblog.com/2010/08/27/cleaning-your-ar-15-is-pretty-much-a-waste-of-time/
Read MoreNo matter how fired up you are about the situation our government has gotten us in to, this is not the way to go about solving our problems. Remember that it only gives more ammo to those that want to minimize our gun rights… A gunshot shattered a glass door Wednesday at a Salisbury office…
Read MoreThis article was originally published at http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/223113, but I feel this is too important of a topic not to re-post in its entirety. This is nothing more than an underhanded scheme to ban firearms. While the second amendment prohibits such actions, there is nothing protecting ammunition. I guess they figure without ammunition, guns are no…
Read MoreCheaper Than Dirt talked to the folks at Kel-Tec about the PMR 30, and when it will be more readily available. Kel-Tec, if you’re listening, I’d love to test one of these out and review it… http://cheaperthandirt.com/blog/?p=4050
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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