He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. Thomas Paine Dissertation on First Principles of Government December 23, 1791
Read MoreSeems that in Illinois, convicts are given priority over deployed soldiers when it comes to things like voting. Shameful and disgraceful don’t even begin to describe this… Those that are willing putting themselves in harm’s way to defend our way of life are denied voting rights while those that willingly break our laws have their…
Read MoreGlenn has adopted a soldier and would like some help. I donated to the cause. If you can afford to, please do. Find out more information athttp://ballseyesboomers.blogspot.com/2010/10/soldiers-care-packages-donations-please.html
Read MoreAt the range Sunday, I while putting some rounds through the Bersa Thunder 380. Out of approximately 75 rounds fired, I had two stovepipe failures to eject properly. Upon looking at things closer, both cases that failed to eject were ruptured. The manufacturer would like to have all remaining rounds from that order for testing…
Read MoreWore my Gadsden shirt the other day and my son loved it. Every day since he’s been wanting to see the snake. Liked it so much that I printed out a Gadsden flag and put it up in his room. Ordered him a shirt of his own over the weekend…. Even though he’s only 18…
Read MoreGunshots were fired at the Pentagon Tuesday from what authorities believe was a high-powered rifle, Fox News has confirmed. Police who protect the massive Defense Department headquarters temporarily locked down some road and pedestrian entrances to the building after a civilian reported he may have heard shots at about 5 a.m. on the south side…
Read MoreEric and Harry have put together an excellent primer on the SKS. There is a wealth of information in this video series. It is well worth your time to watch in its entirety.
Read MorePentagon entrances were locked down early Tuesday after a report of possible shots fired near the building. Major Chris Perrine, a Pentagon spokesman, says a civilian reported he may have heard shots at about 5 a.m. EDT on the south side of the massive Defense Department headquarters. Perrine says police authorities did a sweep of…
Read MoreI have joined the GunUp Blogger Network. GunUp looks to be a great resource for firearms-related information. Stop by, take a look, sign up and help contribute. http://www.gunup.com/
Read MoreDaniel Gallington got in touch with me yesterday about importing M1 rifles from Korea. I urge you to contact your elected representatives on this issue. This discussion will – I hope – get the attention of American shooters, competitive marksmen and military rifle collectors – young and old. Even if you’re not in this category,…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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