Congrats, Matt! We met for like a brief second some 10 years ago at a LaRue Range Day event in Liberty Hill — not that you’d remember me LOL.
Read MoreOn June 7, 2021, the Attorney General signed ATF proposed rule 2021R-08, “Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached ‘Stabilizing Braces,’” amending ATF’s regulations to clarify when a rifle is “intended to be fired from the shoulder.” The proposed rule outlines the factors ATF would consider when evaluating firearms equipped with a purported “stabilizing brace” to…
Read MoreAt the risk of reducing my own chances to win, has been updated with all the gun and gear related contests that I am aware of for the month. Go forth and win… As always, feel free to share wherever you can. If you are aware of any that are not on the list,…
Read MoreCalifornia’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” violates the Second Amendment, a federal judge ruled on June 4. The state government, through the law, “bans an entire class of very popular hardware—firearms that are lawful under federal law and under the laws of most states and that are commonly held by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes,”…
Read MoreWith Texas’s constitutional carry bill having passed through the legislature, and governor Abbott having expressed interest in signing the bill, it’s only a matter of time before Texas joins 18 other states in implementing constitutional carry laws. Under the new law, Texans will no longer need to apply for a special CCW permit to carry…
Read MoreFor almost 250 years, the Marine Corps has been known to be as tough as they come. They are first in and last out and do the grunt work for a successful mission. Those looking to join the military have several options to choose from. But, there are some that are born to be Marines…
Read MoreAs scopes become more and more popular, many rifle owners wonder whether they should invest in one as well. Is the shooting experience drastically better? Are the benefits worth the cost? Is a scope bulky? In our opinion, if you’re a competitive shooter or someone concerned with using the best gear out there, a rifle…
Read More“With respect to the AR-15, I support a ban as has been presented in a Senate bill and supported by the president.” David Chipman ATF head nominee Senate Judiciary Committee hearing May 26, 2021 Read further:
Read MoreAfter nearly a decade of struggle, Constitutional Carry is on its way to being signed into law in the Lone Star State. On May 22, 2021, the conference committee report on HB 1927 was distributed and on May 24 both chambers voted in favor of it. The bill should be signed in the next few…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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