I’ve been following a discussion on The Beretta Forum for a few weeks now, where hints and leaks have been dropped about a new pistol offering called the Nano. Official details were far and few between — usually a small photo, or clarification. There was a lot of guessing going on, and a lot of…
Read MoreFlorida has decided to finally protect the 2nd Amendment at the state level and eliminate onerous restrictions that many municipalities and communities have enacted against gun rights. Starting October 1st, any public official who passes or enforces gun regulations below the state level faces a $5,000 personal fine and could even be removed from office…
Read MoreAnother senior Republican has questions about the Fast and Furious undercover weapons investigation on the U.S.-Mexico border, demanding that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. immediately brief his office regarding the “scope and details of any past or present ATF gun-walking programs†in Texas. Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and…
Read MoreSeason 3 starts off with a bang when a shoot-off between pairs of contestants determine who’s on which team. Next, the first challenge forces the losing team to face off against the winning team. Finally, a contest inspired by the stagecoaches of the Old West decides who will be the first to go home.
Read MoreFor 99.9% of Californians, you can’t carry your handgun concealed, you can’t open carry it loaded, but you can open carry it unloaded. That is unless a growing effort in the state legislature succeeds to make the 2nd Amendment null and void in the Golden State. Sam Wolanyk doesn’t want to see that happen. He…
Read MoreWell, sort of… Richard’s out on some well-deserved vacation this week. I was asked to help fill in while he was away. You can read my guest post over at Empty Cases at the link below. http://gunwriter.wordpress.com/2011/08/10/shooting-suppressed-guest-post/
Read MorePhotos and a little about the men that died over the weekend fighting the good fight in Afghanistan. You may be gone, but you are not forgotten. http://www.wjla.com/pictures/2011/08/photos-of-the-fallen-30-americans-shot-down-in-afghanistan-/6227-451.html
Read MoreAt the risk of reducing my own chances to win, https://www.weapon-blog.com/contests/ has been updated with all the gun and gear related contests that I am aware of for the month. If you are aware of any that I do not have on the list, please let me know. Best of luck to you this month.…
Read MoreI’ll be flying for work in a week or two, and I’ll be going to a state that honors my concealed handgun license. Any tips for a smooth trip? This will be my first time flying with a firearm. I’ve read up on the TSA regulations already.
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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