As far as we’ve been able to determine this weekend, the State Department’s announcement that they’re penalizing Russia by banning the importation of Russian ammunition and firearms has done absolutely nothing to bother Russian authorities. But it’s done plenty to anger American shooters and businessmen. After all, banning the importation of Russian made firearms and…
Read MoreAmmunition prices are about to skyrocket! Bidens state department announced today further sanctions on Russia. Which include the denial of all pending and future import permits for firearms manufactured in Russia. Read the rest of the article:
Read MoreA Smith & Wesson® like no other… The newest of new in the M&P® lineup, the Smith & Wesson M&P12 Bullpup Shotgun. Close your eyes and imagine your tried-and-true pump action shotgun, then imagine the space gun of your dreams and put them together… Et Voila! The dual pistol grip, 12 Gauge, dual magazine tube…
Read MoreWith the COVID-19 pandemic and record-high firearm sales in the United States, ammunition is in short supply, impacting the rising cost of ammunition. Despite manufacturers saying they are producing as much ammunition as possible, many gun store shelves remain empty and prices keep rising. As a result of the pandemic, social unrest, and a rise…
Read MoreThe biggest issue with there being no press release is there’s also no proposed bill text. Some of the powers that be will include proposed bill texts in their announcements of their next great achievement. I don’t like to report on things unless I have something solid to stand on, but in this instance I…
Read MoreIt isn’t uncommon for anyone to wonder how one becomes a professional in any field they feel they have an affinity for. Doubly so if they truly enjoy the hobby or sport they are partaking in, hence why it isn’t unusual for gun enthusiasts to get involved with competitive shooting trials. Sometimes we just do…
Read MoreHere are 10 tips from 10 expert sharpshooters. My go-to drill is dry fire with a coin placed on the front sight. After you’ve got your sights aligned, slowly squeeze the trigger. If your squeeze is slow and smooth, then the coin will stay on. If it falls off, then keep trying until you can…
Read More“Current machine guns typically use easily removable, quick-change barrels so that the gunner or gun crew can swap a cold barrel for the hot barrel every couple hundred rounds,” said Dindl, a mechanical engineer at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center, located at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey. “This is fine in training,…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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