Folks tell me the most memorable shot on Top Shot was when I shot the golf ball at 100 yards. That shot was pretty crazy I’ll admit. Sure, most any marksman can do it. But the trick was doing it on demand, under pressure, with a rifle that wasn’t mine, that wasn’t properly zeroed, in…
Read MoreAttended my son’s funeral this morning. Regular blogging will resume Monday November 25. Thank you.
Read MoreMy son died in the night due to pregnancy related complications. That is two sons in the grave in under twelve months.
Read MoreA secret Santa grants one little girl an early Christmas gift. The Wright family was out shopping when second grader Kallie asked to play with one of her favorite things in the store, a pink 22 caliber rifle. As she was playing with it a stranger handed her $120 and told her to buy the…
Read MoreA Massachusetts politician has put forth a proposal to allow local police to enter homes without a warrant in order to inspect whether gun owners are properly storing their firearms. The idea was floated by Swampsott Selectman Barry Greenfield, who expressed frustration about the Newtown school massacre in the neighboring state of Connecticut and in…
Read MoreMany people who like or love guns own dozens of guns but would never consider firing any of them. These individuals are collectors, and they put their guns on display in gun cases in the home or show them off at gun-related events. Just like collectors of baseball cards and Beanie Babies, gun collectors enjoy…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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