The Ohio National Guard has seen the enemy and it is … a school janitor who supports the Second Amendment? The Guard’s 52nd Civil Support Team held a training drill last year in southern Ohio which pitted members against a sinister janitor and a chemistry teacher sidekick who concocted chemical weapons in two makeshift labs,…
Read MoreThe Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that the Second Amendment endows the right to carry a gun outside the home. The opinion comes days before the Supreme Court is expected to decide whether to review two other cases that ask the question of whether the right to “bear arms†extends beyond the…
Read MoreBB guns are enjoyed and used by people of all ages and as you would expect from such a popular pastime they come in all shapes and sizes. You can now choose from a wide range of different options and Airsoft has become a popular team sport across the country but for many BB gun…
Read MoreHobbies of people vary from one another. There are many people who love to collect various kinds of guns. People who are fond of guns know of the many varieties that are available in the market. The prices of the guns also vary from one another greatly. It is quite interesting to see that many…
Read MoreYou might think the question would be settled by now, but the U.S. Supreme Court has yet to opine on whether the Second Amendment right to “bear†arms for self-defense extends outside the home. We may soon get an answer. Lyle Denniston, writing for the Constitution Daily, reports about two gun rights cases that may…
Read MoreAt the risk of reducing my own chances to win, has been updated with all the gun and gear related contests that I am aware of for the month. Go forth and win… As always, feel free to share wherever you can. If you are aware of any that I do not have on…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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