In Houston, a handgun licensing instructor is offering free classes for educators. Chuck Persinger has won a number of awards for his shooting skills. For the second year in a row, he’s offering all teachers and school employees the chance to take his class for free and many are taking him up on his offer.…
Read MorePresident Barack Obama said Thursday that if gun control measures are going to pass Congress, gun control advocates have to get as organized and well-financed as the National Rifle Association. “Honestly this is not going to change unless the people who want to prevent these kinds of mass shootings from taking place feel at least…
Read MoreAttorney General Eric Holder has vowed to continue a wide-ranging credit card fraud probe amid heightened congressional scrutiny and charges that the probe is putting legitimate companies — like gun sellers — out of business. “In the months ahead, we expect to resolve other investigations involving financial institutions that chose to process transactions even though…
Read MoreEli Wallach, the raspy-voiced character actor who starred in dozens of movies and Broadway plays over a remarkable and enduring career and earned film immortality as a conniving, quick-on-the-draw bandit in the classic Western “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” has died. He was 98.
Read MoreEven CNN gets it… The NRA is not the demon. But I don’t agree with her recommendations on how to address the problem. Next time there’s a mass shooting, don’t jump to blame the National Rifle Association and lax gun laws. Look first at the shooter and the mental health services he did or didn’t…
Read MoreFrom the folks that manufactured the R.I.P. ammunition, a new round for 300 Blackout.
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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