Reflecting on my experiences carrying a gun daily for near a couple of decades, I figured out that I’ve learned a couple of things. Here’s a short list. Read the rest of the article:
Read MoreI’ll be in a location classified as the most hostile network in the world this week, so posting will be extremely light. Regular updates will resume August 11. Unfortunately, this means that the monthly contest list will not be updated until August 11 as well. Apologies in advance for that. If you’ve got any tips…
Read MoreA young Mexican man has died after accidentally shooting himself in the head while posing for a “selfie†with a loaded gun. Oscar Otero Aguilar, who worked in a pet shop, is said to have been drinking with friends in Medero, in the north of the capital, Mexico City, when the accident happened. A follower…
Read MoreThere were a total of 377 unique participants in the contest after I sorted alphabetically and removed duplicate email addresses. Utilizing the random number generator at provided me with a winner. Looking at my spreadsheet revealed the winner to be Kalib Baggett. I’ve contacted Kalib, and if I do not hear from him in…
Read MoreThanks to a Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit pursued against the Department of Justice by government watchdog Judicial Watch, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has ruled documents being withheld from Congress under President Obama’s claim of executive privilege must be turned over. Obama made the claim on the same day Attorney…
Read MoreIn 2011, Lehigh Defense was approached by a park management agency and asked to design a more environmentally-friendly high-terminal-performance bullet to assist in their animal culling efforts. While previous lead bullets had acceptable terminal performance, the agency wanted to evolve to a more ecologically sound solution. The mission was challenging, but clear: Lehigh Defense was…
Read MoreIn this week’s Tips & Tactics episode, Tatiana Whitlock advises how to practice carrying in different types of clothing so you don’t print (show your firearm), and so you’ll feel more confident. Tatiana is a Refuse to Be a Victim® and NRA-certified basic pistol instructor, trained range safety officer, Krav Maga student and self-defense expert.
Read MoreGun retailers are no longer on a hit list deemed “high risk†by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. after the banking regulator formally withdrew Monday the list it put together that outlined what merchants may be considered risky for banks to do business with as part of the Obama administration’s “Operation Choke Point.†The agency…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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