That’s one way to do it.
Read MoreThe National Rifle Association has struck back at former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, dinging him as the “ultimate hypocrite†for lobbying against Second Amendment rights for average Americans while maintaining his own personal armed security force. He is one that believes that the rules should apply to the little people. We are a…
Read MoreDeath statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) coupled with crime statistics from the FBI show that bicycle and falling deaths far exceed deaths from “mass shootings.” For example, on September 24 the FBI released a study showing there were 64 incidents of “mass killings” (mass shootings) for the years 2000 through…
Read MoreImagine a mosquito landed on your arm. Would you swat it? Simple socialist logic suggests that you should let it be. After all, all biting mosquitoes bite are single mothers who need your blood to complete their reproductive cycle. Moreover, the sting isn’t fatal or even disabling to you, merely slightly itchy. Transmission of malaria…
Read MoreGrayson Herrera shares an experience where legally carrying a firearm saved his life.
Read MoreCities in Pennsylvania may have to think carefully before passing ordinances relating to guns and gun control in future years: Doing so could land them in legal trouble with the National Rifle Association. The Pennsylvania state House last week passed a measure that would give anyone who may legally own a firearm, or a membership…
Read MoreWhen Cody Wilson revealed the world’s first fully 3-D printed gun last year, he showed that the “maker†movement has enabled anyone to create a working, lethal firearm with a click in the privacy of his or her garage. Now he’s moved on to a new form of digital DIY gunsmithing. And this time the…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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