Mating season for turkeys starts sometime between February and April, which also happens to be the best time to hunt them. Turkeys are second only to deer as the most popular big game species pursued by American hunters, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Spring gobbler hunting has become so popular that outdoor…
Read MoreB. Todd Jones, director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, confirmed this morning that he is leaving that post, nine days after a leading national gun rights organization called on him to step down or be fired primarily because of the controversy over the agency’s recent proposal to ban a popular type…
Read MoreMy eyes are more partial to the green… There are a ton of accessories and modifications available out there for your self-defense handgun. Some are useful, but let’s be honest — there’s a lot of stuff you can do to your gun that’s not really going to make any measurable difference. But if you’re looking…
Read MoreRecoil Magazine (issue 18) has started arriving to individuals, and located inside is a two page article on the single stack 9mm Glock 43. Note that Glock has not formally announced the 43 as of yet. Glock is expected to officially announce on Friday, March 20. The article states that models will be available in…
Read MoreThe Texas Senate has given preliminary approval to allowing licensed open carry of handguns in the state. The first major gun-rights vote of the legislative session came Monday after more than two hours of debate. A final vote to send the bill to the House is expected Tuesday. Texas has allowed concealed carry of handguns…
Read MoreLehigh Defense announces the addition of a seventh technology (CQ) to our growing list of Projectile Technologies. About CQ Technology (Close Quarters) Yes, E=MCSq and it is a beautiful thing. Double the bullet weight and the energy doubles. Double the velocity and the energy quadruples. How can you beat that? We design the world’s most…
Read MoreDemocrats are pressing new legislation in the House that would ban forms of armor-piercing ammunition. Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) is pushing the Armor Piercing Bullets Act followingthe Obama administration’s decision earlier this week to withdraw a controversial proposal that would restrict 5.56 mm projectiles for M855 cartridges commonly used in AR-15 rifles. “Armor-piercing rounds like…
Read MoreThe Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on Thursday raised new concerns about surplus military ammo used in popular AR-15 rifles and pistols just days after pulling back on a proposal to ban the ammo because it could threaten police safety. In a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, ATF Director B. Todd Jones said all…
Read MoreAMMO BAN – Its not over . . . Or . . .Did the BATFE just pull a fast one on us? YES THEY DID! Sure . . they backed down on the ammo ban. But what they didn’t tell us is that the United States Supreme court just ruled that agencies such as the…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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