The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be…
Read More Epic video. Please share: we can't change America without your support! Posted by Florida Gun Supply on Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Read MoreOver the past 20 years I’ve taught everything from NRA Basic Pistol, to Texas CHL, to Defensive Pistol Skills to students with a wide range of skill, experience, and prior training. As a competition shooter and customer of commercial ranges, I’ve had the opportunity to observe good, bad, and ugly gun handling habits. That experience…
Read MoreFrom Tooele Shooting Supplies’ FB Page: Got a couple of the new Taurus Curve pistols today. Before they arrived, someone from Taurus called us to tell them we couldn’t sell them, and had to send them back to the factory… due to issues they refused to discuss. Source:
Read MoreGun-free zones at schools, bars, sporting events, hospitals and churches would be largely obsolete if Rep. Drew Springer has his way. Springer, R-Muenster, has authored a bill — laid out Tuesday before a House committee — that he hopes eliminates most restrictions on where the state’s nearly 826,000 concealed handgun license holders can carry their…
Read MoreWe’re rapidly reaching a point where no part of the Executive Branch can be trusted. The stunning revelation that the Federal Bureau of Investigation shaped data on mass shootings in an apparent bid to generate support for gun control is just the latest crooked action by a rogue Obama Administration. John Lott of the Crime…
Read MoreA proposal that won the approval of the Texas Senate last week could leave concealed carry permit holders in the Lone Star State with fewer “gun-free zones†— under threat of heavy fines. The measure, filed in January, would not only prohibit many state and local public buildings from barring lawful concealed carry, it would…
Read MoreAsking “which gun should I buy?†is about the same as asking “which vehicle should I buy?† There is no correct answer because it depends on the purpose and preference.  For this post we will stick with handguns and cover rifles later. Read the rest of the article filled with sage advice by my friend Dustin:…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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