What would you do if you went to purchase some ammunition to find all the ammo off the shelves and a sign stating “Due to the ongoing state of emergency ammo will not be available for sale”? Good food for thought. http://bayourenaissanceman.blogspot.com/2015/04/a-grim-reminder-courtesy-of-baltimore.html
Read MoreWhen you think of hunters, you’d be forgiven if the image of burly men wearing beards, camouflage and orange hats comes to mind. For a long time, this has been the commonly accepted portrait of a hunter. Things are changing, however. No longer a pursuit solely dominated by men, hunting is starting to see more…
Read MoreSureFire, LLC, manufacturer of high-performance illumination tools, suppressors, and tactical products, has begun accepting orders for the latest model in its high-performance line of SOCOM Fast-Attach® sound suppressors. The new SOCOM300-SPS is the quietest suppressor ever built for 300 Black Out (subsonic and supersonic), .308 and 300 Win Mag. This versatile suppressor is also very…
Read MoreAccording to Sheriff of Baghdad: There is no such thing. Your trigger finger is not strong enough. In this vid I pulled the trigger with this 1/2″ ratchet. Look how hard I hit the ratchet. I regularly break Glock triggers so I carry extras. Lol. Trigger jerk is actually #Anticipation. Anticipation starts in the brain…
Read MoreIn a stunning 2-1 decision published today that upheld a City of Highland Park, Illinois ordinance (§136.005 of the City Code) that prohibits the possession of so-called “assault weapons†and “largeâ€capacity magazines,†Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Frank Easterbrook held that [a]nother constitutional principle is relevant: the Constituâ€tion establishes a federal republic where local…
Read MoreThe Army is asking the gun industry to build new components for its soldiers’ primary weapon — the M4 carbine — a move that experts say is a tacit admission that the service has been supplying a flawed rifle that lacks the precision of commercially available guns. At a recent Capitol Hill hearing, an Army…
Read MoreFollowing passage of open carry legislation in the Texas House this week, the police chief of the nation’s 11th-most populous city is forecasting problems with ISIS, gang members, drug cartels, and outlaw motor cycle gangs. Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, who has spoken out against open carry several times, took to social media Tuesday to…
Read MoreHat tip to Nathan at The Firearm Blog: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2015/04/22/90-degree-barrels-myth-confirmed/
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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