NORB-C, a range bag designed for busy women who multitask jobs, family, errands, and range time. If you’re interested, this project is in the funding phase. Visit the link below to learn more.
Read MoreOn a daily basis, United Parcel Service (UPS) delivers over 15 million packages to 6.1 million customers in more than 220 countries and territories around the world. It now appears that those packages will no longer include firearm suppressors. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), UPS recently made the decision to stop shipping…
Read MoreA Senate committee on Monday approved an open-carry bill that had been stripped of a House amendment seeking to ban police stops to check for concealed handgun licenses. House Bill 910 next goes to the full Senate for consideration. The Senate voted along party lines two months ago to approve a similar bill. Sen. Craig…
Read MoreThis legislative session opened looking like it would be the most firearms-friendly in years. Republican Rep. Larry Phillips’ open carry bill will be considered Monday morning by the Senate State Affairs Committee. Considering the Senate has already passed its own bill allowing so-called “open carry,†the House’s proposal suggests guns are poised to move back…
Read MoreThe Texas campus carry bill is caught up in a budget showdown between the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House. Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and Speaker Joe Straus disagree over where to cut taxes, and campus carry has become a hostage that each is using to try to force the other’s hand. We…
Read MoreCourtesy of the NRA-ILA: House Bill 849 establishes two state sales tax-free holidays for Texas sportsmen during the last weekend in August and October, before dove and deer seasons, respectively. Thanks to the sponsor of the legislation, state Representative Chris Paddie (R-Tyler), for managing the issue on the House floor, and to state Representatives Drew…
Read MoreYou’re in line for the TSA. You’re rushed. You forget to remove the handgun from your hip. Soon, you may not get in trouble. A bill that passed the house on Thursday would forgive concealed handgun license holders for such lapses. Republican Rep. Drew Springer’s measure would protect a licensee from being arrested if he…
Read MoreA bullet proof cup, and the CEO believes so much in his product that he’s willing to take a .22LR to the groin to prove its effectiveness.
Read MoreRemember, if you’ve missed an episode, all 10 episodes are available on demand at
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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