At the risk of reducing my own chances to win, has been updated with all the gun and gear related contests that I am aware of for the month. Go forth and win… As always, feel free to share wherever you can. If you are aware of any that are not on the list,…
Read MoreHunting trips are a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Explore nature, enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and then relax with a cookout afterwards; hunting for food and pleasure is a win on all fronts. But before you leave on your big trip you need to pack…
Read MoreThe Seattle City Council is expected to cast a final vote Monday on legislation that adds new taxes and regulations on firearms and ammunition sold in the city. The legislation, which passed unanimously Wednesday by the Education and Governance Committee, would implement a $25 tax on firearms and a 5-cent-per-round tax on ammunition, and would…
Read MoreThe Honolulu Police Department and City of Honolulu recently decided it will destroy $500,000 worth of fully-functioning handguns, rather than selling them for revenue. This decision comes after the department signed a contract for new service handguns to be used by officers. By destroying these guns, the City is throwing away nearly half-a-million dollars of…
Read MoreMatt from Demolition Ranch gives the rundown on the .25-45 Sharps AR. Love the intro comedy bit.
Read MoreIf you are thinking of taking an extended hunting trip this summer, you better be sure to pack the right gear. Americans spend a tremendous amount of time on hunting trips – 737 million combined days a year, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Whether you are headed out alone, with friends or with…
Read MoreThe U.S. Navy said no charges have been brought against the sailor who admitted to returning fire against the Chattanooga shooter, despite reports flying around that such charges are coming. Former Republican Florida Rep. Allen West wrote in a blog post over the weekend that he was “fighting dog mad and seriously pissed off†after…
Read MoreThis is what a #DarwinAward looks like. SAFETY TIP: Live ammo and laser targets don’t mix! This target was errantly double tapped and then sent to LaserLyte for repair. As a safety precaution, we suggest unloading all your live ammo into a shoe box before laser training, and stashing the box in a gun safe…
Read MoreThe mere mention of the word ‘bulletproof’ bring to mind images of war and gunfights. Who hasn’t watched movies or heard stories about knights in their armors, bravely engaging in bloody battles and coming out alive and victorious all because their body armor kept them protected from arrows, swords and of course, firearms? The scenario…
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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