TO THE man I sat next to on my way in to Boston: When I boarded the commuter rail, you were already in the midst of a spirited phone conversation and didn’t seem to care about how loud you were talking. You were talking with someone about the Paris train attack and the growing epidemic…
Read MoreRe-posting (with permission) a call to action by David Codrea. I have already made my donation. If you value Mr. Vanderboegh’s contributions to the community you’ll make yours. $1.00$2.00$3.00$4.00$5.00$10.00$20.00$25.00$50.00$75.00$100.00 Per Mike, the doctors have told him he is not long of this world. As we all know, his financial situation due to years of disability…
Read MoreAfter reviewing the almost ten thousand comments from loyal Second Amendment supporters such as yourself, the ATF came back with answers to those comments and a ruling on 41P. The ruling weighs in at 248 pages. In the interest of providing you with the information you need without having to spend hours reading it yourself,…
Read MoreThe following case study is of a friend of mine (written with his permission) who was shot through the neck by an AK-47 during an operation from a range of about 150 meters. The bullet entered the back of his neck just right of the midline and then blew out the front of the left…
Read MoreThe eloquent Michael Z. Williamson pokes all kinds of holes in the executive order unveiled yesterday. ATF has guidelines for what constitutes “Engaging in the business” of selling firearms, though has no concrete definitions on how many guns one may sell. The new “advisory” they just published as part of President 0’s new “gun control”…
Read MoreAt the risk of reducing my own chances to win, has been updated with all the gun and gear related contests that I am aware of for the month. Go forth and win… As always, feel free to share wherever you can. I really need your help. The list is a bit lean this…
Read More“The Bill of Rights was added as a specific safeguard to prevent the federal government from denying Americans those guaranteed rights,†said Governor Abbott. “Today, the President trampled the purpose and substance of the Bill of Rights by unilaterally imposing Second Amendment restrictions. After failing to pass gun control measures through Congress, the President is…
Read MoreWith all due respect, sir. You cannot just order a gun off the internet and have it delivered to your door as you would with a package from Amazon. Oh, how I wish this was true. Allow me to educate you on the process: place an order for a firearm online provide your FFL dealer’s…
Read MoreDana Loesch rips apart the proposed executive orders on gun control. I’m not going to try to put a snippet here with a link to the full fisking. This one really needs to be read in entirety.
Read More2025 Texas Gun Legislation
Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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