Battle Sights and Staying Alive
(Part nine of a nine part series, courtesy of Fred’s M14 Stocks) Besides learning how to firing a shot ‘by the numbers’, there are two other basic sets of facts you need to memorize as you continue to grow into a Rifleman. The first issue is ‘minutes of angle’ – MOA, and the second topic…
Read MoreWall Penetration
Courtesty of DownRange.TV
Read MoreEddie Eagle
Teach your kids about guns. Doesn’t have to be Eddie Eagle, but do instruct them on proper handling and usage.
Read MoreAmmo and Sights
(Part eight of a nine part series, courtesy of Fred’s M14 Stocks) A few caveats/suggestions: 1) Avoid Indian surplus 7.62 like the plague. Scanning the boards over the past few months, the horror shows (stuck cases, etc.) far outweigh any savings gained by the cheap price. 2) Folks shooting calibers other than 7.62 will find…
Read MoreAppleseed Review
Jeff Jones over at the Examiner wrote up a really great review of his recent Appleseed experience. I’m hoping to attend one of these sometime in the next 8 – 12 months. Well worth the read.
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