Limp Wristing
Defined: Steps to mitigate:
Read MoreThe Vast Differences in Military Training across the World
When your attention is fully focused on a map – whether it’s a globe of the Earth or a map of inland waterways like those available at Maps Online – it’s easy to find your imagination carried away to distant lands. Those waterways become routes inland for your squadron, wading upstream with faces full of…
Read MoreSIRT AR-Bolt Review
Not by me… I actually have one that I’ll be reviewing in the future but work has been so crazy that I’ve not had much time to use it yet. Until I publish my review, go read Eric’s review over at the Gunmart Blog.
Read MoreSquib / Hang Fire
If you ever have a round that misfires or doesn’t sound/feel right… First, keep the firearm pointed downrange in a safe direction and wait 30 seconds. This will help to rule out the possibility of a hang fire. Then, open the action. If a round is ejected then it was most likely a bad primer.…
Read MoreTraining At A Young Age Saves Lives
A very well-informed fifth-grader at Oak Grove Elementary School reportedly followed procedure when he found a loaded gun on the playground at the school Friday. Officials have not released the name of the student, but are planning on presenting a certificate to him Monday, according to Bob Gault, media relations coordinator for the Bradley County…
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