South Carolina Bill Creates A High School Gun Class

Since the shooting in Newton, Connecticut, some lawmakers have introduced legislation to allow teachers and school officials to carry firearms. But one South Carolina lawmaker is taking the NRA’s “more guns will keep schools safe” argument even further, with a new bill that would teach teenagers how to shoot. Read the rest of the article:…

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Magpul Dynamics

With the state of the industry right now, the Dynamics crew is making some accomodations…. Magpul Dynamics Pricing and Ammunition Requirement Update In an effort to make training more accessible in these times of increased prices and reduced availability, Magpul Dynamics has updated their pricing structure, round counts, and acceptable calibers for the 2013 training…

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Babineaux Re-Holstering

Read about this over at the Cheaper Than Dirt blog this weekend. Originally at, the article has disappeared. However, thanks to Google’s cache, the article is still available for reading at My thoughts? Anything that requires you to put your finger on or near the trigger while re-holstering is a bad idea.

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