Demystifying Guns
Billy Johnson delves into about the irrational, media-fed, hysterical fear of guns that is prevalent in our society.
Read MoreTeaching Kids To Shoot
Some great advice from my friend Dustin… In the past couple years I’ve introduced thousands of kids to shooting pellet rifles and archery through our summer camp and scores to rimfire rifles in our hands on marksmanship camps. Here are several tips to help you teach your youngster to shoot straight. Baby Steps Take it…
Read MoreShoot Like A Girl
Karen Butler and Cristy Crawford knew that the female firearm community was growing, but had difficulty really getting women involved in the shooting sports. So, they dreamed up Shoot Like a Girl. The ladies are now on a mission to travel the country and spread the joy of shooting far and wide.
Read MoreMake the Most of your Protection Firearm
Although the political debates surrounding the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution are long-running and heated, millions of Americans exercise their right to bear arms solely for the use of protection and defense of their families and homes. Maybe you’re an experienced hunter and are comfortable with firearms, but never considered owning one until now.…
Read MoreOne In The Chamber
For many, carrying with a round in the chamber is a step that hasn’t been taken yet. The reasons vary, but it’s definitely an issue for a lot of people. In this article, I am going to discuss a simple thing that you can do to ease your mind. If you came here to say…
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