Keep your Survival Skills Strong and Thrive in an Emergency

More than three million people in the U.S consider themselves preppers, according to the Daily Mail. Whether you’re just getting started in your prepper journey or are already highly skilled at survival, you’re in good company. Have you wondered what skills will prove essential during an emergency? Here’s a list of skills to refine now…

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Improving Your AR-15 Marksmanship Skills

Most shooters are gearheads. That’s not a bad thing. I’m one too. The ultimate goal of raising all that gear, though, is being able to hit the chosen target. Increasing your firing skill with your AR-15 is a big factor in your enjoyment of it, and as your skills improve, your ability to judge the…

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The Dangerous Myth of Hierarchy of Lethality

Massad Ayoob has some great thoughts worth sharing… We live in a world where the entertainment media and the news media alike have demonized the firearm as a frightening, high-efficiency killing machine. A myth has arisen that I call “hierarchy of lethality.” It is the false belief that the firearm represents the nuclear level of…

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