UN Gun Treaty
President Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry made this statement about the UN Gun Ban today: “We look forward to signing it as soon as the process of conforming the official translations is completed satisfactorily.” Call your senators today and ask that they OPPOSE this.
Read MoreTexas HB 972 Call To Action
HB 972 by Rep. Allen Fletcher and Sen. Brian Birdwell significantly moves forward the issue of personal protecton on college and university campuses. First of all, HB 972 strikes and removes the offense of committing a 3rd degree felony for the possession of a firearm on the “premises” of a private or public college or…
Read MoreSquare Fires All Retail Gun Dealers
FirearmConcierge just posted the following on Reddit: Just got the notice this morning that had a subject line of “Updating our Seller Agreement” As a firearm retailer, this usually means one of two things. 1. They’re raising rates. 2. You’re about to get dropped and you need to start looking for a new processor. I…
Read MoreBreaking: DefDist Liberator Plans Offline
When visiting, a message appears at the top of the screen. DefDist Liberator Pistol: This file has been removed from public access at the request of the US Department of Defense Trade Controls. Until further notice, the United States government claims control of the information. A twitter post further confirms things: #DEFCAD has gone…
Read MoreThe Gun Feed Like the Drudge Report, but specializing in gun-related news.
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