2nd Amendment
“Ghost Gun” Regulations Incoming
Today, the President and Deputy Attorney General will also announce that the U.S. Department of Justice has issued a final rule to rein in the proliferation of “ghost guns” – unserialized, privately-made firearms that law enforcement are increasingly recovering at crime scenes in cities across the country. Last year alone, there were approximately 20,000 suspected…
Read MoreCA DOJ Wants Background Checks For Gun Parts
California will soon require every person who wishes to purchase a “firearm precursor part” to first undergo a background check process nearly identical to that which California currently uses for ammunition sales. The only problem is no one knows for certain what exactly is a “firearm precursor part.” Read the rest of the article: https://crpa.org/news/blogs/doj-proposes-regulations-regarding-firearm-precursor-parts/
Read MoreDOJ Sues Missouri Over 2A Sanctuary Status
President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice filed a lawsuit this week against Missouri, seeking to unravel a state law that aims to protect the Second Amendment rights of state residents against federal gun control policies. What’s the background? In June 2021, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) signed House Bill 85 into law, establishing the Second…
Read MoreUS Senators Send Letter To YouTube About Firearm Content
Read the letter at the location below: https://www.blumenthal.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/0215.22youtubeghostguns.pdf%5B/embed%5D
Read MoreArcFlash Labs’ GR-1 Anvil Portable Gauss Rifle
The GR-1 “Anvil” is a portable, shoulder-fired gauss rifle made by Arcflash Labs. Yeah, it’s pretty awesome to be living in the future where we actually have real gauss rifles, isn’t it? First, some terminology. This is accurately identified as a gauss rifle, coil gun, or linear accelerator (although gauss “rifle” is a bit misleading,…
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