Senior ATF Official Proposes Loosening Gun Regulations

The second-highest-ranking official at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has written a proposal to reduce gun regulations, including examining a possible end to the ban on importing assault weapons into the United States. The 11-page “white paper” by Ronald B. Turk, associate deputy director and chief operating officer of the ATF, calls…

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Bill To Disband The ATF

Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner has just reintroduced legislation to disband the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), folding their duties into other federal law enforcement agencies and ending a national nightmare. Today, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner reintroduced the ATF Elimination Act, legislation that would dissolve the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and…

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Abolish The ATF

From the outset, an undercover gun-buying sting by federal agents in Milwaukee was plagued by confusion. Local ATF agents wanted to target their longtime nemesis, the Outlaws. They had been going after the aging motorcycle gang with what they dubbed “Operation Smokin’ Piston,” breaking up untaxed cigarette operations on the south side, but were having…

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ATF Delays Nitrocellulose Regulatory Changes

Earlier this summer, ATF released an Explosives Industry Newsletter that changed the agency’s treatment of nitrocellulose, the primary component in smokeless powders used in modern ammunition. This change had the potential to seriously disrupt ammunition supply in the United States because it changed a long-standing ATF policy that exempted properly “wetted” nitrocellulose from treatment as…

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