Bad Driver? In Debt? Proposed NYC Law Would Ban You From Owning a Gun

New York City residents who want to own a gun may soon be denied permits if they are litterbugs, if they are bad drivers, or if they have fallen behind on a few bills. Under proposed revisions to the police department’s handgun, rifle and shotgun permit procedures, the NYPD can reject gun license applicants for…

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Lone Star Citizens Defense League

The site will be online November 2, 2010 at A little bit about the LSCDL: The Lone Star Citizens Defense League was inspired by the Arizona Citizens Defense League. The AZCDL is responsible for the great advances in Arizona gun rights. The Citizens Defense League supports pro-rights bills and work to stop anti-gun bills.…

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States Weigh Letting Noncitizens Vote

Like his neighbors, Claude Rwaganje pays taxes on his income and taxes on his cars. His children have gone to Portland’s public schools. He’s interested in the workings of Maine’s largest city, which he has called home for 13 years. There’s one vital difference, though: Rwaganje isn’t a U.S. citizen and isn’t allowed to vote…

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