Unleash Your Inner Superhero With A Lightweight Bulletproof Vest

We live in a world where safety and protection are of utmost importance. Whether you are a law enforcement officer, a military personnel, a security guard, or just an average citizen concerned about personal safety, the idea of owning a lightweight bulletproof vest has probably crossed your mind at some point. But the image of…

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Biden Regime Announces New Gun Control Push

The Biden administration just announced a new initiative to push gun control at the state level. This new initiative encourages each state to: – Establish gun control offices similar to the Biden White House’s model – Pass universal background checks – Ban so-called “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines – Pass manufacturer liability laws The White…

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Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2023

According to a summary of the bill, at the top of the list is the requirement for a federal or state-issued license to “purchase or own a firearm or ammunition.” The proposed law also calls for universal background checks and the elimination of the so-called “Charleston loophole” by requiring a completed background check before a…

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Broad Gun Ban Bill Proposed

Democratic lawmakers are set to try once more to get a new federal gun ban on President Joe Biden’s desk. Senators Martin Heinrich (D., N.M.) and Angus King (I., Maine), who caucuses with the Democrats, introduced a new bill on Thursday aimed at so-called assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. The proposal would prohibit the sale…

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