Liberty Safe & FBI Collaboration?

A prominent gun safe company has come under fire after admitting that it voluntarily provided the access code for a customer’s safe to the FBI.

Liberty Safe’s attempt to explain why the company readily surrendered a January 6 protester’s code has not gone over well, prompting critics to threaten giving the company “the Bud Light treatment.”

“Nate was raided by the FBI and arrested at gun point. His girlfriend (who just had a miscarriage) was held at gun point and put in handcuffs. The FBI turned off his security cameras, unplugged his internet, and flipped his house upside down in a search,” stated the Hodgetwins account. “The feds called the manufacturer of his Liberty Gun Safe and got the passcode to get into it too. All for protesting at the Capitol over 2 1/2 years ago.”

Thoughts? Discuss….

Liberty Safe posted the following about the incident:

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