A Few Tips For Better OWB Concealed Carry

Outside the waistband carry, also referred to as OWB carry, is a popular method of carrying firearms because of the convenience of drawing the weapon and the general comfort compared to other carry methods. Although this carry method does not give enough room for concealment of the gun, the ease of drawing the weapon fast would reduce.

Although it is harder to conceal because you would need more layers of cloth even during the summer, some folks still prefer to use OWB as a concealed carry method because with OWB carry, they do not have to get more oversized pants, and the firearm would gouge less on their body when they walk or sit. It is better for people who wear suits every time to provide enough cover for the gun.

The main challenge with OWB carry is the concealment itself, and several factors contribute to appropriate concealment of OWB carry; the older and experienced gun owners recognize all these factors but if you are still new to the game, pay attention to the following tips for better OWB concealed carry:

  • Choose the right gun

It is a widespread opinion that it is easier to conceal smaller objects than bigger ones and that also applies in the case of guns for OWB carry. It is easier for a taller person to hide a more extended pistol than a shorter person. Still, it is generally better to go for the more temporary firearms like the CCW gun, and guns like GLOCK 17 might be more strenuous for you to conceal.

Guns that have full frames are easily detectable when they are carried outside the waistband, and also not only the length of the gun matter; you should also consider the width too; a thinner gun would only mean a lesser print on your cloth.

  • Choose the correct layer and position

It is better to position your holsters in the inwards curved parts of your body to make it better concealed; you should try to place the holster slightly to the curve at the back of your waistline rather than the hips.

Also, the covering layer is pertinent to better concealment with an OWB carry; sometimes, you need an oversized shirt depending on the length and thickness of the gun. It would help if you considered materials like cotton, denim, or khakis are the best to conceal a weapon outside the waist, and stretchy fabrics should be avoided because they give away more gun print.

  • Use a concealed carry belt

Many gun owners think gun belts are only needed for IWB, but they can play a crucial role in concealing your OWB carry too. It would help if you get a leather belt that would hold the holster tight to your body; the belt would hold the holster in a still place and also put some space between your body and your cloth which would help to conceal your weapon better.

  • Use the appropriate holsters

Your holster choice would also determine how much of the gun print would be shown; an appropriate owb holster would ensure you do not need many layers of cloth to conceal your weapon. It would help if you go for tight and high riding holsters because high riding holsters would keep the gun’s muzzle just below your waist, and you would not need longer shirts. The best types of holsters for these purposes are leather holsters because of their durability and retention. Whatever kind of holster you choose, always consider your access to the weapon.

  • Appropriate dressing

Your clothing choices should also work towards concealing your weapon, but you should also focus on the types of dressing styles that fit you. There are custom clothes to hide your guns, but people around you might still detect your gun because of your dressing; they are not advisable except for your job.

You can dress casually and still conceal your weapon; you should try long or oversized shirts because they have the room to hide your gun; the shirt does not have to be extremely big; an inch or two more than your size should be enough to conceal the weapon. And you can also wear button shirts because they are more formal, but you might not need to tuck in, so they cover the gun or wear a jacket on the shirt. Also, cotton and denim materials are highly recommended. And lastly, with OWB carry, you can wear any pants because the gun is carried outside the pants.

  • Do proper training

Generally, gun users are required to do proper training after applying for a concealed carry permit. Although the training is mandatory, the exercise would help you with all the basics of using a firearm like handling, safety, safe storage, and etching the movement; you would get first-class knowledge from experienced instructors on using concealed carry better.

Also, you would practice shooting and other elements like grip, stance, sight picture, breath control, trigger control, and so on. You still need to learn how to shoot in different positions like sitting, standing, and so on for you to be ready for real-life situations.

  • Study the gun laws

Studying your state’s gun laws is essential because it is better you already know them before you purchase a gun, but if you do not have an idea, you should get to it as soon as you have your weapon. The state gun laws would tell you where you can be present with your gun and the places you can draw it.

Gun laws are known to have strict penalties for lawbreakers, and you sure would not want to be in that category; study the gun laws further to ensure your safety with a concealed carry weapon.


To be completely safe with your concealed carry weapon, you need to follow all the tips above to the latter and other suggestions you might learn that might be helpful. The OWB concealed carry helps you defend yourself when needed in your daily life, and not allowing the proper instructions might cause some harm for you from the weapon.


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