Ghost Guns In The Crosshairs
The White House, on the urging of Senator Richard Blumenthal, is considering taking executive action to ban the transfer of “Ghost Guns” or those items that cooler heads know as DIY and 80%. A Ghost Gun Executive Order could potentially shutter the DIY firearms industry with the stroke of a pen.
But it shouldn’t take lawsuits to force the government to embrace common sense and craft regulations that reflect Congress’ intent. Selling gun parts as a do-it-yourself kit is so close to selling the gun itself, the government should regulate the kits as firearms, including requiring serial numbers and background checks for customers.
Less likely to happen in these fractious political times is Congress addressing the issue as part of a package of reforms that would ban assault-style weapons, require universal background checks for every transfer of a firearm, close the “Charleston loophole” that allows a firearm sale to proceed if the FBI doesn’t finish a background check within three days, and take other common sense steps toward making society safer.
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Does this make you want to pick up an 80% receiver before they are banned?
I like the original “ghost guns”… those long guns made before 1968 that have NO SERIAL NUMBER and no records of ownership. Or those milsurp arms floating around bought, sold, and traded with no records as well.