Few Simple Maintenance Items That Extend The Longevity Of Your Gun Safe
A quality made gun safe safeguards your valuables from harm and your loved ones from your firearms. So, you will want to protect this protector of your life. While gun safes are highly resistant to potential hazards, there are still few things to take care of in the way of maintenance. These simple maintenance will provide the type of security and safety you expect from your gun safe. Here are some gun safe maintenance tips to help you get reliable service for lifelong.
1. Clean the safe once a month:
Since the gun safe is not supposed to be touched often in general, it is likely to gather dirt and dust on the exterior of the safe. And this may lead to blockage of the door. So, cleaning the exterior part of the gun safe is the first step to gun safe maintenance.
To remove the dirt and dust from the outer surface of the safe, you should use a soft, non-abrasive cloth. This will prevent scratching or fading glossy coat finish of your gun safe. You can dampen the cloth to wipe out the filth. Do remember, you must not use powered soap, sponges, brushes or any type of harsh cleaning material. Then do the same with the inner part of the safe. But the inner part gathers less dirt, so it is not likely to demand the same attention.
While cleaning the bolts, lock or handle of the safe, avoid all kinds of metal solvents or polishes. Or else, you might end up damaging your safe – Source.
2. Lubricate the locks once a year:
Lubricating the bolts and lock with grease keeps the gun safe functional. Apply grease on the bottom and front bolts to prevent jamming or sticking. This process takes a little effort but ensures smooth functionality. But before closing the gun safe, wipe away from it thoroughly to ensure there is no excess oil to drip from hinges.
3. Ensure yearly inspection:
As gun safe accommodates guns, your single mistake can prove hazardous. To be on the safe side, have a certified technician examine the gun safe once a year. Most quality gun safes come with a warranty. In that case, you can have it inspected by the manufacturer or else approach a certified technician. If any damage gets detected, follow expert advice.
When to know your safe requires servicing:
While maintaining your gun safe, you need to know how to identify problems or damages and when it needs expert servicing.
You should inspect your gun safe thoroughly from time to time. If you do so, you will be able to detect if there is any tampering done with your safe. As the lock of the gun safe is one of the most important parts of your gun safe, you must check it from time to time. Inspect the lock if it is functioning smoothly? And if your gun safe has a combination lock, don’t forget to check if the digits have faded?
You should approach a professional as soon as you find any defect in your gun safe.
As the final words, few simple maintenance items towards a gun safe determines the longevity of it. The above mentioned simple attempts will assure that the safe itself and your firearms inside it will stand the test of time.