Things You Should Bring On Your Adventure To The Wild

You hear about people going on weird adventures all the time, camping in the wild and setting out to discover the unknown. You can’t help but wonder why anyone would choose to do such things, and what they stand to gain from it. There are many answers to those questions, but the most important one is the fact that you learn about yourself during those adventures more than any other experience could teach you. Surrounded by the unknown and testing your limits, this is how you find out what you’re made of. To go for a ride into the wild, camping and exploring uncharted waters, you need to be prepared, both physically and mentally, because you’ll need it. More importantly, you need to pack just the right things with you; they can be a lifesaver out there in the wild.


Doesn’t sound very tough, does it? Well, just because you’re heading out on a wild adventure doesn’t mean you should neglect basic safety protocols. Protecting yourself from the sun is crucial if you’re going to work every day, and definitely more so if you plan on camping it out in a desert or a forest. Exposure to sun rays can have catastrophic effects on your skin and your body, the worst of which being cancer. So, always pack some sunscreen and get an extra bottle or two as well! You have no idea how much you’ll need it out there. Pro tip: bring along lip balm as well. Extreme conditions can lead to your lips turning sour and hurting all the way, and they also need protection from the sun.

Extra clothes

You could write books on the importance of packing the right clothes on your adventures. Things like the type of outfit according to the weather and terrain make a lot of difference out there, and you need to know which works when. But more importantly, it’s important to remember to always pack extra. Start with your socks. A million things could go wrong with them. They could get wet, tear from the strain, get dirty, and so on. And the last thing you want is walking without socks, so always pack an extra pair or two for emergencies. You should also get ones made out of wool, because cotton ones don’t keep you warm and they don’t dry out quickly.

Other than clothes and socks, footwear is also crucial. Depending on what terrain you’ll be surviving in, get a specific kind of boot. But it doesn’t hurt to pack an extra pair of water shoes if you plan on covering bodies of water or some sandals for when you’re resting your feet.

Sleeping bags

Those are really, really important for whichever location you might be heading out to. Without them, you’ll end up sleeping on the ground in some tent, if you even managed that. The great thing is you can find survival sleeping bags easily, and those have some unique qualities that are sure to make a difference in how well you rest. Some include down lining, which means extra warmth during those cold winter nights, and others come with compression bags to save as much space as possible. That last feature is probably the greatest thing about sleeping bags, because they don’t take up much space or require effort to carry.

First aid kit

Nobody likes to assume the worst, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for it. Packing a first aid kit on your wild adventure is essential, because you never know what could happen out there. And having things like sterilized dressing and disinfectants can literally save your life in some cases. So, this is definitely not one you want to forget on your trip.

Fire starter kit

We live in the 21st century, so there’s absolutely no reason for you to go all native and not take something to help you start fires in the wild. Whether it’s for heat or cooking, you’ll definitely be needing it. That is why it’s essential you pack along some lighters, matches, and more importantly fire starters. Lighters and matches might malfunction out there, but it’s the starters that will help you get the fire going –– they’re usually made of magnesium or flint.


Afraid of the darkness or not, you will be needing a flashlight. Sometimes you won’t even find the moonlight to guide you through the night, so always pack along a flashlight. It’s also better to opt for a solar-powered one, because batteries might be problematic if things go south.


Sure, with all the technological advancement out there, there’s a million apps and gadgets to help you navigate your way into the wild. But those things can malfunction, and technology can only be so reliable. A good old compass, however never fails to do the job, and it’s simple, practical, and always functional. Bring along a map too in case Google maps stop working as well. You never know!

Water bottles

Even if you know you’re going camping in a place with a nearby clean water source, always bring water bottles. There’s no telling what could happen anytime, or where you may land. That’s why carrying a water bottle is essential to ensure that you’ll always have access to a source of water on the go. It might be a good idea to get some water treatment with you, too. If you’re not sure what the source of the water you’re about to drink is, water treatments like Iodine tablets can really be a lifesaver.

Enjoy yourself

It’s not easy going on an adventure in the wild, and it does take a lot of preparation, but that doesn’t mean you should spoil the fun for yourself. This is probably going to be one of the most exciting things you’ll ever do in your life, if not the most. So, be well prepared, yes, but also enjoy yourself and live in the moment. You’ll be seeing nature like you’ve never seen it before, and you’ll learn about yourself and test your limits in a way you did not think was possible.