Defense Distributed CAD Files Blocked

A BELATED LEGAL scramble to stop public access to 3-D printed gun blueprints has succeeded, at least for now. Late Tuesday, a federal judge granted a temporary nationwide injunction against Defense Distributed from making its designs available online. Several hours after the ruling, Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson has finally complied.

The suit, filed Monday by the attorneys general of eight states and the District of Columbia, is just one of several last-ditch legal efforts to prevent the spread of 3-D printed gun plans. Last month, the State Department settled a long-standing Wilson lawsuit, opening the door for Defense Distributed to put blueprints and CAD models for most guns online. At that point, all someone would need to create an unregulated, lethal weapon is a 3-D printer and an internet connection.

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The cat’s already out of the bag… files for the Liberator have been online for years. Once they’re out there, others can distribute and re-distribute. In fact, a quick search found that you could find the files here, here, here, and here.