TOP 5 Strange Movie Weapons

In the history of movie weapons, some have been more outstanding than others. The reasons why they were viewed as strange weapons ranges from their design and look, to their usage, and the effects they leave after using them. Below is an explanation of some of the strangest movie weapons of all times.

    1. Predator Wrist Blades

In the fiction movie world, the concept of Predators or Yautja is very prevalent. They are a group of aliens that tend to torment the human race, and there are many movies, novels, comics and other documentaries about them. Each time, they come with a separate and distinct type of uniform to perform their acts. One of the major weapons that predators normally use as seen in predator movies is the wrist-blade. They are very strange because it always seems like the predators cannot take off these weapons from their arms. It is portrayed as if it is created into their arms and that they can’t remove it. These weapons entail that you can never unarm these creatures unless you kill them, because their weapon is inbuilt.

    1. The Lawnmower

The lawnmower in Dead Alive is very strange too. The object itself may not be strange, but it becomes very strange when it is turned into a weapon. In Dead Alive, Lionel Cosgrave has to save himself from his mother’s co zombies. The lawnmower became very effective in slaughtering the zombies. This is a very good example of improvisation in weaponry. So far as it can harm, use it.

    1. The Lawgiver Weapon

The next is the Lawgiver Weapon. In the movie titled Judge Dredd, the law enforcement officials that are always on their motorbikes have a special weapon with them. This comes in form of a gun that can have different types of effects when fired on different objects. This makes it very strange. This could be used to rip a man into two equal halves or even to exorcise ghosts in the bid to bring law and order to the society. This can be fired from kilometers or even miles away, and it will still reach its target. The principle is that while crime is everywhere, the lawgivers are not everywhere. So, they need long range weapons to take care of suspects that are very far from them.

    1. The Pogo Stick

The Pogo Stick in Leprechaun is a strange one, and how could it have killed that number of people? Leprechaun uses the stick to bounce on the chest of his victims on several occasions and they eventually die. The stick, the usage and the effects are all strange. Well, maybe we have learnt something there, and that is the fact that anything can kill a man when effectively used. After all, it worked for Leprechaun.

    1. The Noisy Cricket

The Noisy Cricket weapon from the movie Men in Black is another strange movie weapon. This is one of the smallest guns ever, but it has enough recoil to throw a very huge man 30 feet up in the air. Is this not a strange weapon? Yes, it is. However, this could also be set for weaker firepower. It is designed as a training weapon for new agents in MIB. It is used to ascertain if they will be blown back by its effect when it is in full recoil and they are told to fire it on a spaceship.

My name is Anabel Cooper and I’m an editor and blogger from Harlow, the UK.
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