Open Letter To Youtube
Dear YouTube,
YouTube’s latest gun policy demonstrates that Alphabet has chosen to align itself with those working to erode freedom and deny individuals of their rights.
The right to keep and bear arms is inalienable to human beings. It is derived from human nature itself. Institutional recognition of the right to life and all other inalienable rights derived therefrom, is essential for peaceful life on earth. The right to keep and bear arms safeguards humanity from tyrannical government and institutionally sanctioned mass murder, of which history has too many examples.
Many gun owners know this to be true. They value personal freedom above all else, regarding it as essential as the air they breathe. They are deeply offended by the systematic erosion of freedom, perpetrated by government officials elected by people devoid of the philosophical foundation essential for moral decision making.
The denial of any right can only be carried out coercively, that is by force or by the threat of force. When official representatives of a government or an institution attempt to deny an individual of a basic right and are met with resistance, invariably an instrument of force, be it a gun, knife, or club is produced by those officials and used to coerce the individual into submission.
There is no such right as the right to work towards the denial of any other right. Moreover, advocacy of coercion is an attack on personal freedom and thus it is itself and act of coercion.
Therefore, by siding with those who work to deny others of the inalienable right to keep and bear arms, YouTube is implicitly supporting the most frightening kind of coercive behavior, that which is perpetrated institutionally.
Because rights can only be violated by force, only by force can they be preserved.
I have the answer for all the dim witted and undereducated people who ask, “Why do you need a gun?†Killing is the answer. All rational people need a gun so that they can come together and kill those who would attempt to forcefully deny them of their individual rights, any of them. Make no mistake about it. This is one of the most important building blocks of peaceful civilization. The United States government maintains a nuclear arsenal for the same reason, to kill those who would forcefully deny the citizen of the United States the right to live their lives and pursue their happiness. The citizens of this wonderful country delegate their right of self-defense to the government but our government must be checked by the people from whom its power is derived. The people are the first branch of government. The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial are the second, third, and forth. Without a well-armed citizenry, a government of rational people, by rational people, and for rational people cannot exist.
Unfortunately, the current state of the government renders it untrustworthy, at least for rational people. It is a well-known fact that elected officials across all levels of government can be purchased and therefore laws can be purchased, usually to gain advantageous positions within a marketplace that would otherwise be free and self-correcting. Our government is also largely a product of mob-rule, branded as democracy. The mob is an ignorant bunch who know nothing of building a political framework on a moral foundation philosophically embedded in metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Crafting a political framework based on the whimsical faith of the mob will ultimately lead to nothing but human suffering, as it so often has throughout history. Conflicts rooted in faith either remain unresolved or are resolved by force. No other alternative is possible.
In the wake of a school shooting, the mob will devour tales of gun control fed to them by knowingly divisive people while absolutely nothing is said about indicting public education, public and therefore pathetic at best, for stifling the development of millions of minds every day. Is it not true the public schools are complicit in shaping the minds of children? Why then is the emergence of a homicidal monster from a public school surprising to anyone? Public schools are an obsolete relic preserved by politicians at all levels who have been bought by teacher’s unions across the country. The survival of these unions depend on funds forcefully and unjustly taken by government from millions of people and diverted into a failing system, the persistence of which mathematically depends on mediocre performance at best. Free market examples of education prove beyond doubt that high-quality education can be had for surprisingly low cost while earning top educators millions. So, I ask you, dim-witted mobster, why then would you entrust the development of the most precious thing in the universe, the mind of a human child, to people who have proven themselves to be corrupt and unscrupulous?
Scientists and engineers are familiar with the concept of positive feedback which is the enhancement or amplification of an effect by its own influence on the process that gives rise to it. That is a good definition and I got it from the dictionary.
Positive feedback can be either desirable or undesirable. An example of desirable positive feedback is compounding interest returning on an investment, the dividends from which are reinvested thus increasing the rate of return. An example of undesirable positive feedback is an infection of flesh-eating bacteria. As the bacteria eats your flesh, they gain the nutrients needed to multiply and thus consume your flesh at an ever-increasing rate until you are dead.
Stupid people fucking is another example of undesirable positive feedback that is frighteningly similar to the flesh-eating bacteria example. Here’s how it goes. Fucking is easy. Even the dumbest people can do it. When they do, they sometimes produce another person, whom we will call Ernie for this example, and they attempt to keep him alive long enough to transfer what life-sustaining responsibility they can to a public school run by idiots. Little Ernie doesn’t stand a chance because both his parents and teachers are morons. Nevertheless, he grows up on a diet of nicotine and government subsidized food stuff unfit for human consumption. At no point did anyone tell poor Ernie about the importance of philosophy for establishing his ethical code of conduct. Ernie doesn’t know what philosophy is, let alone that it is responsible for every human achievement that has assuaged human suffering throughout the ages. He knows nothing of the monumental epistemological achievements that are logic and the scientific method. So Ernie lives life, surviving day to day, doing what little he can to keep food in his belly and nicotine in what’s left of his brain. He never gains on life to realize personal fulfillment and the free time to pursue his ambitions, that is if he knew enough to have ambitions. The hard life finally catches up to Ernie and his health deteriorates but not before he spawns a couple of Ernie juniors of his own because, remember, fucking is easy, even for dummies like Ernie. His need for survival leads him to a hospital which will treat his chronic illness into perpetuity at the expense of those who can actually create wealth. Even worse, Ernie learns how to vote from a Democrat who tells Ernie that health care at the expense of others is his right. Ernie doesn’t have the philosophical tools to know that such a notion is preposterous, but he does know that if he votes for the Democrat, others will pay the price for his bad behavior so that he may live for a few more years to smoke cigarettes and eat more government subsidized crap. And since the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, the little Ernie juniors that he spawned eventually grow up to be just like their worthless dad. Pretty soon, we’re living in a country full of people just like Ernie, a flesh-eating bacteria, voting for the government cultivation of dependency, because his survival now depends on it. The government’s dependency engines, those being public education, subsidized food stuff (not to be confused with actual food) and publicly financed health care will not only be preserved, but expanded in an effort to sustain more bacteria. Politicians will garner power from the voting bacteria, until the bacteria has eaten all available flesh, that being the output confiscated by government at the point of a gun from those who are capable of producing it by living in accordance with a philosophical code fit for humans. Rational people need guns so that they can resist this totalitarian onslaught.
Our government, some of which is fantastic, suffers from systemic corruption that has led to human suffering as it can only do. Our government is abdicating its responsibility to carry out its most solemn duty, which is defending and securing individual rights. It has created a caustic environment in which wonderful little minds are tragically and systemically transformed into Ernie-like monsters. As a matter of policy, leftist groups advocate for the confiscation of both wealth and the means for securing it. They advocate that the power to dispose of over one-half of the wealth created by the productive citizens of this county is best left to the 535 members of Congress rather than to those who created it. They advocate that no one should possess a lethal means of defending themselves or their livelihood and that such defense is best left to some far-away authority. Such irrational and absurd notions are both frightening and threatening. What would you expect any rational person to do in the face of that threat? They will arm themselves as millions have. And if the trend towards totalitarianism continues, they will have no choice but to organize themselves and take action that will ultimately turn violent when rational arguments fall on deaf ears.
I may not be the last person to resign myself to an armed civil conflict within the United States but I am certainly far from the first. I would prefer to live under a political framework conducive to peaceful coexistence among people who can live freely to pursue their dreams and who are respectful of the rights of all others to do the same, thus offering no obstruction. The long-term preservation of such a framework is only possible with a government, derived from a powerful and independent citizenry, and committed to the defense and security of individual rights. Such power can only be delegated by and derived from people who possess it, people who are armed.
So YouTube, on behalf of myself and the millions of gun owners from around the world, many of whom I have met, I ask you to reconsider your stance on the issue of guns and continue to allow the publication of gun related videos enjoyed by so many. Guns are important. They are more than just toys enjoyed by millions. The Founding Fathers of the United States knew as much. With revolution fresh on their minds they made a point of recognizing and protecting the right to keep and bear arms by its early inclusion into the US Constitution. If the right to keep and bear arms is forcefully denied, then no other right can be safe.
Theodore Karagias
American Rifle Company
“Because rights can only be violated by force, only by force can they be preserved” That like got me.
Thanks for sharing this thought provoking piece.
You are a patriot my friend! Thank you for what you do! If you need any great tees, here’s a link: