Allowing The Free Market To Dictate Commerce

Last month, I covered how the New York Times wanted credit card companies to restrict the use of their cards in the purchase of guns.

If the Government couldn’t ban guns, they would get a handful of private companies to curtail our freedoms. Because there is no way that could go wrong.

Visa was targeted with a petition and protest to limit what customers could buy with their card.

About two dozen people rallied outside of Visa headquarters, calling on the credit card company to stop doing business with stores selling assault weapons.

“It’s a simple act. Visa, don’t let people use a Visa credit card to buy weapons of mass murder,” said one of the women protesting.

Amid tight security, a box full of 150,000 signatures from people around the country supporting the effort was hand delivered to a Visa representative inside the building.

In a breathtaking moment of good business sense and corporate fortitude, Visa released a statement:

“We do not believe Visa should be in the position of setting restrictions on the sale of lawful goods and services.”

Read the rest of the article:


  1. thinkingman on March 20, 2018 at 10:27 am

    Sane, clear thought. Something severely lacking in this knee-jerk ban by vast minority day and age! VISA shall continue to have my credit/debit accounts, at least for now.