Brace Yourselves

The White House said on Tuesday setting an age limit for buying AR-15-type assault rifles, the type purchased legally by a teenager who shot dead 17 people at a Florida high school last week, was under consideration.
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“The President spoke to Senator Cornyn (R-Texas) on Friday about the bi-partisan bill he and Sen. Murphy (D-Conn.) introduced to improve Federal Compliance with Criminal Background check Legislation,” press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement Monday.

“While discussions are ongoing and revisions are being considered, the President is supportive of efforts to improve the Federal background check system,” the statement concluded.
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President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he has directed his attorney general to propose changes that would ban bump fire stocks, which make it easier to fire rounds more quickly. The move adds his voice to a process that began in December, two months after a gunman used the device in a shooting that left scores dead at a concert in Las Vegas.

“Just a few moments ago I signed a memo directing the attorney general to propose regulations that ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns,” Trump said at a Medal of Valor event at the White House, addressing Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
“I expect these regulations to be finalized, Jeff, very soon,” Trump said.
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