10 Insanely Simple Deer Hunting Tips
When the sun is up in the eastern sky and it’s a hunting season, hunters celebrate as it’s a national holiday. After the school close, nations turn into the festive mode. As soon as the season approaches, shooters finalize gear purchases and repairs. In the offseason, they try to learn new tricks, tips to increase chances of success. This tradition goes on and on.
Fortunately, I’ve gotten chances to chat with some world-class hunters. It gave me an excellent opportunity to improve my game. So, before starting the new season here are 10 simple deer hunting tips to multiply your outcome.
1. Serious Silence: No alternative. You’ve to maintain serious silence. Here is a pro tip: When the metal edges contact each other, it creates noise. To maintain quietness, it’s better to put duct tape on climbing stands. A hockey tape will also be a good choice. Even when you are traveling with carrying stand, try to minimize sound as much as possible. Grease properly in every joint and remove unnecessary clamps. If require tighten or loosen the ladder’s straps.
2. Control your Scent: Most of the beginner and even pro hunters don’t take this strategy seriously. That’s why they could not overcome the last stage of the game. You’ve to admit the whitetails have the strongest sense of smelling predators even from the dogs! Statistically, deers have 79 million smell receptors more than a dog. Surprising? It’s proven! So, to reduce the chance of noticing, don’t let them smell you.
A simple strategy is to spray scent away perfume to your body and cloths or even tree stands before joining the fight. If possible wash your belongingness with smell-free detergent.
3. Facing the Wind: This trick is related to scent control. When you are facing the wind; means, your body smell is blown away behind. As deer approaches from the front, they can’t smell your body odor. Because wind is blowing in exactly the opposite direction the whitetails are marching. But if you mistakenly judge the wind’s direction, you’ll be out of the game soon.
4. Limit Your Visibility: The best tree stands location wouldn’t be in use if deer can spot you easily. Meaning: say, you’ve found a great location to shoot, but if deer can spot you while roaming, the searching would turn into the worst investment. So design your hideouts properly. Use your best binoculars for hunting to do that. If you have lack of quality cover, make some just like fake Charismas tree branches. Use ropes to tie enough branches or put your stand as high as possible to reduce the chances of visibility.
5. Use Decoy: I’ve seen many hunters don’t prefer tricking the deer with decoy or dupe. But according to many successful hunters, if you don’t use dupe strategy, you are missing a lot. It’s never too late to start a new strategy which can bring good results. When you are incorporating modern lifelike features decoy setup, actually you’re increasing your success possibility. An excellent decoy set up will surely lead you some visitors.
6. Use Deer Attractants: It’s another simple trick which can bring impressive result. Now-a-days veteran shooters use many deer attractants as feed or deer urine. These are so helpful that even bucks follow attracts to your stands directly.
7. Know the Perfect Hunting Time: Not all the time is perfect for hunting whitetails. According to many professional hunters, deers become active in early morning and mostly in the evening time. If you are planning to hunt in the morning, then setup your area near to bedding. Place stands on deer feeding area if you want to hunt during the sunset. Most of the time this strategy works well even for beginners.
8. Plan Your Exit Strategy: Don’t be too lazy to plan an exit from your hunting area. If you walk through the food spot, you are spoiling or probably disturbing their regular behavior. When you are intervening their natural behavior, you’re basically hurting your success.
9. Observe Wisely Before the Final Strike: Closely observe the area as much as possible. Basically, you’ll get only one chance before encountering the deer. It’s better to scout from every possible range or you can fine-tune your planning. Even you can spend time in early morning or evening so that you can get enough time to observe. So, plan well before the final shot.
10. Know Your Weapon: When you shoot, shoot to kill. Since you don’t need a knife or rope to shoot, know your weapon as much as possible. If you are comfortable with handgun hunt, you surely can get a lot of ground to shoot. When you’ve seen any deer approaching your stand, draw your weapon from your holster quietly. If the holsters you are using become loose, it may fell down while climbing and can create unnecessary noise. A good quality holster for gun or bow will never be too loose or too tight so that the drawing become difficult. If required, consider it to replace immediately.
Definitely, these simple tricks and tips will be beneficial to bring great success in coming hunting seasons. Surprisingly these tips are easy to include in your routine and are helpful for both veteran and newbies. Lastly, don’t forget to put warm clothes or boots; you’ll surely get a pleasant performance.
These ideas may work in some areas, but I live in the wide open spaces of the far northwestern part of Kansas. Out here it is rare to get a shot under 100 yards. It is more likely that your shot will be between 200-300 yards (or more) if you are hunting during regular firearm season. Also, the deer will be very spooky. They have already lived through the youth and disability season, muzzle loader season, and archery season. Oftentimes the way hunting is done out here is by driving around in a 4 wheel drive pickup looking for deer.
I should have stated in the above comment that they have lived through part of the archery season since the seasons overlap.