Learn To Build A Garand
The CMP-AMC or Advanced Maintenance Class, held in Anniston, Alabama, is for students with a strong mechanical aptitude and a desire to learn how to work on their M1 Garand Rifle. There will be a total of 12 classes in 2015. Each class will be a three day event and be limited to 20 students. The class involves classroom lecture as well as hands-on shop time. Tools will be provided. Students will each assemble, from parts, their own CMP Special (RM1Special) Rifle, which is included in the AMC Class Fee of $1800.00
NEW THIS YEAR: Competitors MUST REGISTER via the Competition Tracker system. All students who register via Competition Tracker will be part of a registration lottery. Students may go in and register for classes that fit their schedule (you may register for more than one) between November 17 and December 1. After December 1st the system will randomly assign 20 individuals to each class and 20 individuals to a waitlist for each class. NO applicant will be able to win more than one seat in a class for 2015. NO FORMER AMC CLASS PARTICIPANTS MAY REGISTER
ALSO NEW THIS YEAR: The “Buddy” AMC Classes. These classes will take place on June 12-14 and June 16-18. This class is RESTRICTED to students who wish to attend the class with another student. This includes father/son, husband/wife, brothers, sisters or friends. Only one member of the “Buddy” team may register. YOU MUST INDICATE YOUR “BUDDY,” THEIR CITY AND STATE AND THEIR DATE OF BIRTH OR CMP COMPETITOR NUMBER, UPON REGISTRATION. Each student attending the “Buddy” classes will have to pay the fee of $1800.00
An email will be sent to each lottery winner as well as those selected for the waitlist. All students who won the lottery, will receive an email by December 6, 2014. NO EMAIL will be sent to students that are not selected for the class or the waitlist.
For more information on the class please contact the Custom Shop at customshop@thecmp.org or call 256-835-8455, ext. 1113.
For online registration questions contact Christina at croguski@thecmp.org or 419-635-2141 ext. 1114.