Ammo Man Contest
The Weapon Blog has partnered with Ammo Man for a July ammunition giveaway.
The contest will run until July 31, and a winner will be selected on August 1, 2014 to receive a gift card for $150 worth of 9mm ammunition from Be sure to thank Ammo Man after entering.
All you have to do is leave a comment in this post by July 31, 2014. Please note that only one entry per person is permitted for this contest.
Be sure to use a real email address, as that is the way you will be contacted if you win. The Weapon Blog will not share, sell, or use your email address for anything other than the purpose of notification that you’ve won the contest.
Thanks Ammoman! More 9mm is always good.
WOOOOO I wanna win.
I go through a box a week of 9mm ammo this would be awesome to win!!!!
I really need some 9mm ammo. Thanks Ammoman.
Thank you Weapon-blog guy for publicizing so many great gun/gear giveaways over the years! i can say from personal experience that people really DO WIN GUNS from magazines, raffles, fundraisers! Good luck to all entrants. Also, read my blog and buy stuff via my Amazon portal (sticky first post on blog) so this capitalist can make some money!
Nice contest! Always could use more 9mm!
everybody needs more ammo
I’d love some more ammo
love more ammo
Thanks Ammo man, we need more people like you that give back!
August 1st is a Great Day! Thank You for doing this Ammo Man!
Always need more ammo!
Wow, this is great. Thanks
It would be great to stock up on some .308, thanks Ammoman.
More ammo is always a plus, especially at this price
Woo Hoo!!!
Thx for the op Ammo Man!
Thanks Ammo Man – Just purchased a 9 and can use the extra ammo.
Thanks for the great contest! Love the site!!!
Would love to win some ammo! thanks!
Very cool. Thank You for the chance.
Very nice!! I can definitely use it. THanks
i could use this
great ammo,can always use more
Enter me in!!! I want ammo!
.45 ACP for me, if I win. Which I never do. It would be just my luck that I win something prohibited in California.
Sure, I’ll take some free ammo.
Yaaay AmmoMan!
Dear AmmoMan,
Thank you so much for being such a kind, understanding, generous and soulful business and I promise if I win I will not say a word about this to Holder, Obama, Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer, Bloomberg, etc., etc., etc., for it would surely give each of them a most severe case of apoplexy. What’s that you say? Maybe that would be a good thing? I think maybe you’re right. Thanks again to AmmoMan and to Weapon-Blog for a great contest.
Giveaways are exciting – and this is a nice one. Thanks!
Wow, I would love to have this ammo! Thanks for the opportunity!
ammoman’s local to me. pick me and I’ll come pick it up( save on shipping)
Long time customer who would love to win.
With four children that shoot, we ca always use more ammo. Thanks for a chance to win some!!!
I can always use more ammo. Staying on target takes practice. thanks, ammo man for this chance to win more ammo.
Thanks Ammo Man for this Awesome Contest!!
My new 9mm could use some breaking in with free ammo!
Thanks ammo man!
Thank you Ammo Man!
Thanks Ammo Man
So.. when I win this.. I’m gonna have to go buy a 9mm…
Who can’t use more ammo – Thanks Ammo Man!
I would love to win some ammo!
Too cool Guys! GLOCK FOOD! I’ll be able to feed her in a manner she used to be accustomed to 🙂 THANKS!
would like to win this
I need’s me some ammo!
Awesome giveaway…. Thanks!
Always love shooting my 9mm and could always use more ammo!!! Thanks ammoman! 😉