300 AAC Blackout – Initial Impressions

I had the opportunity to test fire my new 300 AAC Blackout upper receiver for my AR-15 last Friday afternoon. Two different loads were tested. One was a 208gr (subsonic, traveling at 1,020 feet per second – per the manufacturer) and the other was a 125gr (supersonic, traveling at 2,325 feet per second – per the manufacturer). My target was an old concrete cinder block.

Recoil and noise was no different than a 5.56 round.

I first shot it with the 208gr round on on the bottom half of the cinder block. There was a nice round entry hole and a little dimple on the back side. I was able to retrieve the lead bullet, copper jacket, and the brass case. There may have been a very small hairline crack on the back but I’m not sure. There was definitely a hairline crack after the follow-up shot. Please note that all photography was done after the testing was complete. The large crack seen in the 208gr exit photo was not a result of the 208gr round. For the 208gr impact, follow the thin shadow line just past where the main shadows start and look real hard to see the 208gr impact. It’s very slight, so you may need to see the photo full size.

125gr Entry

125gr Entry


  1. Daily Firearms News | Gunmart Blog on January 15, 2013 at 9:01 am

    […] 300 AAC Blackout – Initial Impressions […]