M1 Garand Explosion

From the video comments by the woman holding the rifle while it exploded:

The 7th round jammed, which is nothing unusual for this gun. It happens all the time. That is why I didn’t really hesitate to shoot the final round. I was very lucky with the outcome. I have lots of splinters and bruising, but nothing broken. My left hand took the brunt of the blow to my wrist and palm of my hand. Still pretty painful, but I will be fine.


  1. Bill Johnson on January 3, 2012 at 1:57 pm

    That was a scary video. Guess she can count her blessings on that one.

  2. Gregory Markle on January 3, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    Looks like she rode the bolt handle forward after the jam…she even states in the comments that they checked her husband’s Garand and it will fire 1/2″ out of battery. Never ride the bolt/charging handle or pistol slide forward with your hand in contact…it’s bad juju!!

  3. Mike on January 5, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    Very scary stuff. Glad she was OK.