Diamondback 380 Review / Giveaway
The Diamondback DB380 – What a great piece to add to your ever-growing collection. I went looking for a good conceal carry firearm and ended up with this very small, 5.25″, pistol. The pistol has an MSRP of around $430. I had seen others fire this same weapon at other ranges and liked what I saw. Before this Diamondback, I never had a chance to fire this specific caliber.
I am giving away this firearm and a few accessories around Christmas time. That’s right all you will have to do is find an FFL and pay the transfer fee. Well there is one catch, for me to get the firearm free I had to add a stipulation. You have to sign up and complete the free Firearm Safety course at http://www.dbgunsafety.com. I know, too easy right? Then once you finish just email a copy of your completion certificate to bkeally@nc.rr.com with your full name. Entries can start on the first day this is posted and will go through Dec 20, 2011. I will then draw for a winner on December 21, 2011 and announce it on http://www.weapon-blog.com. In the meantime I will contact the winner by email to get the transfer all set up. What are you waiting for? Get Started…
This guest post was written by Brian Keally.
I would be nice to win
the link to http://www.dbgunsafety.com seems to be broken, not sure if it is temporary.
Ok, it is working this morning.
I have always wanted to add the Diamondback to my collection. Rated as an excellent concealed carry.
Nice Gun
[…] to visit Aaron’s most excellent gun blog.HandgunsDiamondback 380 Deadline: December 20, 2011 https://www.weapon-blog.com/?p=2103Colt SAA Peacemaker Revolver Deadline: December 31, 2011 […]
[…] Diamondback 380 Deadline: December 20, 2011 https://www.weapon-blog.com/?p=2103 […]
Need a little pocket somethin!
Good looking gun would like to have it
great gun
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– it seems you’ve got some interested folks!
I couldn’t get through to bkeally@nc.rr.com. I got the system administrator’s notice that the email recipient was over quota….I’ll keep trying, though. Would be a sweet X-mas gift.
Having same issue with mail delivery. Tried again this morning and it hasn’t rejected it yet.
It would be incredible to win such a nice gun!
Same issue here,
The “Free Course” is buried under sales pitch pages and when you do manage to find it it does not give you the “Certificate of completion” like Mr. Keally claims.
Instead you are directed to even more sales pitch pages where they try to get you to spend money on more courses…..
Even if this is a real giveaway, the website is so crappily managed and the contest so horribly administered that the winner has already been decided…. and it aint gonna be any of the readers of weapon-blog…..
My vote is that this is a cheap attempt to drum up business for a fly-by-night training site run by a guy who cant even keep his check book balanced, let alone run a fair contest….
Thing that makes me wonder is why isn’t this post deleted by the PTB here at weapon-blog?
Lee, I’ve not taken the training so can’t comment on that. I have seen a few pdf certificates though.
unfortunately the website no longer works and is no longer attended by anyone who gives a crap about being fair…..
This is quite possibly the lousiest contest I have ever tried to participate in…. Having to dig past the sales pitches to find the actual page to take the bogus “training” and then being dragged into even more sales pitch pages, AND, finally hitting a big red “FAIL” after following instructions the promoter himself issues only ads insult to injury.
Then as a parting coup de grace you can’t even email Mr. Keally to find out how to enter.
This contest was a study on what NOT to do when administering a website contest, completely sophomorish and lazy, pure and simple!
After this experience what is there to make a guy have faith in the fact that the prize will be awarded equitably, much less actually given away.
so in the interest of fairness I have now tried the links provided in this post on four different machines (3 computers and one iPhone. Three different operating system, windows, OSX, and iOS.
I have tried the link on five flavors of web browser, Safari, explorer, Firefox-win, firefox-mac, and the browser on my iPhone.
None work, The link does not provide a valid contest entry link and when you finally dig up the “safety course” it does not provide a certificate.
Also, none of these combinations allows me to complete an email to Mr. Keally…
I think it is safe to say that the promoter is MIA and this contest is BOGUS!
@Lee Smith: idk, try again?
I had no problems taking the quiz, getting the PDF certificate or sending the e-mail in, this was last night on 12/12/2011.
Ok first off Im not MIA and the contest is quite real. Im sorry for any troubles you have been having but I assure you I get loads of entries a day. Proving to me that my email is workin and it is possible to complete the safety course offered by Diamonback Firearms. As I do not run that page I would advise anyone having issues to contact them directly. This firearm was donated to me by Diamondback and they made the request to have the course be a requirement, not much I can do there considering without them there wouldnt be a giveaway. If anyone has any doubts about the contest please feel free to no enter or request your entry be removed, the remaining entrants will appreciate it. I am asking Lee Smith to go ahead and email me at bkeally@nc.rr.com so we can attempt to get this worked out.
Well, After a couple of emails I decided to try again tonight…
It worked flawlessly,
all the videos worked, which they did not last night…
All the tests worked, which they did not last night…
and upon finishing the completion certificate link worked as well, which I was never able to get to last night.
I am beginning to think this was all an issue with someone’s provider, who’s exactly I have no idea… But mine (comcast) is certainly not exempt from that statement.
My apologies for my state of irritation last evening…
Good luck to all.
AND, it appears as though the emails to Mr. Keally are getting through as well… FYI!
I’m an older woman, and I’ve had my home broken into or had attempted break ins 5 times in the past 10 years. I’d feel a lot better if I had one of these.
ya, I suppose your right but, there are allot better home defense weapons….
This would be an excellent gift for my mother. She is in her sixties and has arthritis. She is always running errands out in public and I want her to be safe in such a dangerous times.