Buy A Gun Day
While not technically in honor of Buy A Gun Day (I found out about BAGD afterwards), I purchased a Marlin Model 60. I intend to use this rifle for an Appleseed event, general plinking, and as a trainer for my son when he gets old enough. I had an opportunity to fire the Marlin 60 last weekend and found it to be very accurate and pleasant to shoot with the factory sights.
I replaced the factory sights with GI aperture sights, similar to those of the M-1, M-14, or M-16 rifles. The Tech Sights were extremely easy to install. I have a USGI web sling, but am still waiting for the sling mounts to arrive in the mail. Once all the parts are in and installed, I doubt I’ll do anything else to this rifle. I’ll be sure to post some pictures and offer a full range report in the near future.
Stag AR-15
Cavalry Arms polymer AR lower
Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22
Kahr PM9
Ruger Mk II
Smith & Wesson 5946
Ruger SR9
Calico M-951
I picked up a Marlin Model 60 for a late christmas present but with one thing or another it hasn’t made it to the range yet.
I’ve barely had it out of the boxes.
Mind if I ask what you did to get it range ready, if anything?
Bob, to get the Marlin Model 60 range ready, I gave it an external wipe down, and ran a boresnake through the barrel. That’s it.
Thanks Aaron,
Looking at it and reading up on it, I didn’t see much more that needed to be done.
Now with the Mossberg and the Marlin, I can alternate range trips between handgun and long guns.
Might be able to make that expensive .45ACP last a little longer.
I hear that. .45ACP and .380ACP are both still hard to come by in central Texas.
.380 is hard to get everywhere. My main carry gun is a Bersa .380 thunder. H/T to Breda
I also have a Bersa Thunder 380 and love that gun. I haven’t shot it much in the last 12 months due to the ammo shortage. I had a bulk order (500 rounds) with Cabelas that took 10 months for them to fill, believe it or not! I carried the Bersa for five weeks while the PF-9 was in the shop and it’s workable, but nowhere near as light as the PF-9. The Bersa is by far the better shooter though.
Cool work, hope to hear more from you.Are you working in a Group that you can make such a good Blog?
Thanks Rogelio. No group effort on this blog, just me.
Looks like lots of fun. Enjoy Appleseed! It is a great program. I’m anxious to go to another one. I used a Ruger 10/22 with the tech siights.